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  • Writer's pictureLadiny Sainvil

Pushing Past the Discomfort

Hello and Welcome to the Crops & Crystals Blog!

This year I have committed to putting myself in more uncomfortable spaces. Let me explain - I feel I have experienced the most growth during times/places/situations where I am the most uncertain of the outcome. And for me, that is also the point where my imposter syndrome comes in kicking and screaming (insert face palm emoji).

I say all that to say that writing has always been something I have enjoyed and something that I know I am good at. Yet the thought of starting a blog and having others read my writing terrified me. Everytime I felt ready, self-doubt crept in. Oh, and I even went back and forth with the invisible audience of ‘they.’ What would ‘they’ think? Would ‘they’ like it? Would ‘they’ read it? After quieting down all of that mental banter, I had to realize that this was all a normal part of the process.

So, a brief intro into who I am…I'm Ladiny, a Behavior Analyst by day, and the creator behind this brand. Crops & Crystals is my baby and I am super excited to bring my vision to life. For starters, it is part lifestyle brand and part personal blog.

Where will we go from here? I am unsure and I am perfectly okay with that. I’ve also committed to letting go of the idea of perfectionism or making sure I have all of the details lined up before I execute anything. Life isn’t served in perfect cookie-cutter bites, and boy oh boy did 2021 show me that, so I will no longer get in my own way and delay any potential blessings that are in store for me.

So how did we get here, you ask? In 2020, during pandemic phase 1, I picked up a new hobby of making crystal bracelets and waist beads (coming soon!) - it was a great creative outlet and distraction from the anxiety-provoking daily news. To be honest, I really didn't know much about either beyond the aesthetics. Once I began my research I learned that waistbeads originated back to the Motherland. And, coincidentally enough, I got the opportunity to visit Africa in November of 2020. There will be a future blog detailing the experience but, to say it was truly a life changing experience, would be an understatement.

Since you’re here, be sure to check out our merch and bracelets. I also make custom pieces for all genders.

Thanks for stopping by. Hope you come back soon.

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1 Comment

Feb 23, 2022

Awesome Ladiny! Well said! I love it here already, looking forward to following along your very inspiring journey

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